Power consumers are set to enjoy lower electricity costs following the gazettement of an amended schedule of tariffs set by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA)....
President Uhuru Kenyatta on 30th November delivered his 8th State of the Nation Address to a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament. In his address he reported on the measures taken by his governm...
President Uhuru Kenyatta took advantage of Mashujaa Day celebrations on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, to announce a raft of economic measures and interventions his government seeks to make to reinvigor...
From now onwards, every public holiday whose celebrations he presides over will be labelled President Uhuru Kenyatta’s last, and as the end of his term draws closer, the expectations grow heavier. H...
President Uhuru Kenyatta is setting the stage for the final leg of his two terms in charge, the latest signs being a mini-reshuffle of the Executive and the apparent adoption of a take-no-prisoners po...
The heat in the Jubilee Party has been building up and this week, the beginnings of the end of the vehicle President Uhuru Kenyatta used to win two elections could be seen. It started with a meeting b...
Ahead of his meeting with a section of elected representatives from his Mt Kenya region, MPs from the Tangatanga faction of the Jubilee Party wrote a letter of defiance and lamentations to President U...
In an interview with Citizen TV after his retirement as Chief Justice, David Maraga retraced the history of the dispute over the nomination of 41 judges that President Uhuru Kenyatta has refused to ap...
Mr Ruto and his
supporters appear
to have succeeded
in confusing the
pro-BBI team: they
have continuously
poked holes in
the report and its
and Mr Ruto...
President Uhuru Kenyatta delivered the State of the Nation Address, he reported on the measures taken and the progress achieved in the realization of Kenya’s National Values in line with Article 132...
The country has been awash with analyses and sentiments over the advisory delivered by Chief Justice David Maraga on 21st September, 2020 with regards to the proposed dissolution of the Kenyan Parliam...
Following the passing of the
Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment)
Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 45 of
2019) on 5th August, 2020, the National
Assembly the same was presented
to the President for asse...