Plans by the Jubilee Party to hold a National Delegates Convention late November died with a whimper and without an explanation. It was reported that the plans collapsed after a consideration wa...
Orange Democratic Movement head Raila Odinga is scheduled to make a major announcement on December 10, but observers expect no surprises as he has pointed in the direction already. Barring a cha...
Chief Justice Martha Koome has been handed yet another test in the form of a protest letter over her membership in a committee connected with the elections. The protest is from Deputy President Willia...
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party is set to hold its National Delegates Congress on November 30, a significant meeting for the party whose future has been in doubt since the fallout of its pr...
Chief Justice Martha Koome has appealed against a ruling by the High Court that the President can be sidestepped in the process of appointing judges, effectively casting her lot with the Executive. De...
The electoral commission this week announced that it had rejected the rules to govern nominations submitted by 89 parties, amongst them the two backing the biggest candidates – Raila Odinga and Will...
Kenyans were this week reminded of the Building Bridges Initiative in two ways. The first was the publication of a Bill to amend the Constitution being pushed by Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua. One ...
Deputy President William Ruto is on a mission to visit every constituency in Kenya before the General Election. He has, so far, held 133 meetings in 20 counties, which means that he is likely to...
Going by his latest statements, Dr Willy Mutunga’s stint at the Judiciary was a five-year break from activism, for he is right back where he started, with more fire and actions that will test the le...
The relationship between the Executive and the Judiciary is seen in some quarters to have soured starting September 2017 when the Supreme Court annulled the re-election of President Kenyatta. That mom...
From now onwards, every public holiday whose celebrations he presides over will be labelled President Uhuru Kenyatta’s last, and as the end of his term draws closer, the expectations grow heavier. H...
The electoral commission this week gave the National Assembly’s Justice and Legal Affairs a wish list of laws it wants changed to make it easier to manage the General Election in August 2022. They i...