• 3 Oct 2023
  • 6 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Anne Ndungu
Kericho The Governor of Kericho County, appoints —

Rosemary Chepkirui Rop

to be the County Executive Committee Member responsible for matters relating to Climate Change in Kericho County, for a period of two (2) years, with effect from 27th March, 2023.

The Governor, Kericho County, appoints various persons

to be members of the Kericho County Climate Change Steering Committee, for a period of two (2) years, with effect from 25th March, 2023.

The Governor of Kericho County, appoints various persons 

 as members of the Kericho County Environment Committee, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the date of gazettement.

Meru The Governor of Meru County, appoints

Virginia Kawira Miriti

to be the Secretary of the Meru County Public Service Board, for a non-renewable term of six (6) years, effective from 1st September, 2023.

KAJIADO Reservation Of Public Land To Kenya Revenue Authority

the National Land Commission issues this reservation order to reserve and vest the care, control and management

of the land parcel L.R. No. 1692/282, measuring approximately 6.08 hectares and situated in Kajiado County, as described in FR 533/94, to the Kenya Revenue Authority. 

TURKANA Reservation Of Public Land To Kenya Revenue Authority

The National Land Commission issues this reservation order to reserve and vest the care, control and management of the land parcel L.R. No. 33511, measuring approximately 20.6294 hectares and situated in Lomokori, Turkana County, as described in FR 690/58, to the Kenya Revenue Authority.

The National Land Commission issues this

reservation order to reserve and vest the care, control and management of the land parcel L.R. No. 33441, measuring approximately 8.0966 hectares and situated in Kainuk Township, Turkana County, as described in FR 684/67, to the Kenya Revenue Authority.

The National Land Commission issues this

reservation order to reserve and vest the care, control and management of the land parcel L.R. No. 33419, measuring approximately 8.1356 hectares and situated in Lodwar Municipality, Turkana County, as described in FR 682/153, to the Kenya Revenue Authority.

The National Land Commission issues this

reservation order to reserve and vest the care, control and management of the land parcel L.R. No. 33420, measuring approximately 8.632 hectares and situated in Kakuma, Turkana County, as described in FR 682/154, to the Kenya Revenue Authority.

VIHIGA Notice is given to all Members of Vihiga County Assembly

and members of the general public that the County Assembly of

Vihiga shall resume its regular sittings on Tuesday, 3rd October, 2023, at 2.30 P.M.

SIAYA It is notified for the information of Members of the County Assembly and the general public that there will be a special

sitting of the County Assembly which shall be held in the County Assembly Chambers, in Siaya, on Monday, 2nd October, 2023, at 10.00 a.m. for purposes of consideration of Committee Reports on Vetting of Nominees for the positions of County Executive Committee Member, County Chief Officers and Siaya Municipality Board Members.

MIGORI It is notified for the information of Members of County Assembly of Migori and the general public that the Speaker of the County

Assembly of Migori gazettes the new Migori County Assembly

Service Board Members:

Charles Oyugi Owino — Chairperson

Lorna Achieng Aloo — Vice-Chairperson

Edward Ouma Ooro

David Sarara Magige

Philip Akumu Olella

Dated 13th February, 2023.

MURANG’A The County Executive Committee (CEC) Member responsible for Health in Murang’a County in exercise of powers conferred by section 22 (2 (b) of the Medical Practitioners and the Dentists Act declares 3 institutions as Health centres for the purposes of that section.
KISUMU Plan Ref. No. NRB/9/2023/01—Existing Site for Civil Servants Housing, Kisumu City

Notice is given that the preparation of the part development plan was on 21st August, 2023, completed.

The plan relates to land situated within Kisumu City.

Copies of the plan as prepared have been deposited for public

inspection free of charge at the office of the National Director of

Physical Planning, 5th Floor, Ardhi House, Nairobi, the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development official website ( and the office of the County Executive Committee Member in Charge of Physical Planning, Kisumu City.

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may within sixty (60) days of the publication of this notice send the same to the National Director of Physical Planning, P.O. Box 45025-00100, Nairobi and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

KIAMBU & MURANG’A Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development


Title of the Part Development Plans:

(a) Plan Ref. No. NRB/40/2023/01—Existing Site for Civil

Servants Housing, Kiambu Municipality, Kiambu County

(b) Plan Ref. No. NRB/56/2023/01—Existing Site for Civil

Servants Housing, Machakos, Municipality, Machakos County

The plans relate to land situated within the counties of Kiambu and Machakos.

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may within sixty (60) days of the publication of this notice send the same to the National Director of Physical Planning, P.O. Box 45025-00100, Nairobi and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

WEST POKOT Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development


Title of the Development Plans:

(a) Aramaget Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan


(b) Chepareria Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan


(c) Kabichbich Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan


(d) Makutano Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan


In West Pokot County under KISIP2 Project Contract No. KE-MOTI-235021–CS–QCBS.

Any interested person(s) who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above-named development plans may send such representation in writing to be received by the County

Executive Committee Member for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development, P.O. Box 222–30600, Kapenguria in Kenya, or through the email: within sixty (60) days

NANDI Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development


Plan No. KAP/126/2023/04—Kapsabet Municipality Local

Physical and Land Use Development Plan

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may within sixty (60) days send the same to CECM in charge of Physical and Land Use Planning, P.O Box 802–30300, Kapsabet and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

TAITA TAVETA Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development


Title of Development Plan: Kijiji Cha Chewa and Majengo Mapya

Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may within sixty (60) sixty days send the same to County Secretary, Taita Taveta County, of P.O. Box 1066–80304, Wundanyi or via email: and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

MAKUENI Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development


Plan For 3 Informal Settlement Schemes

(a) Mjini in Kibwezi Township

(b) Misongeni in Makindu Township

(c) Soko Mjinga in Emali Township

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may within sixty (60) days send the same to the County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Urban Planning and Development, Environment and Climate Change, P.O. Box 78–90300, Wote in Kenya or email: and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made not later than sixty (60) days from the date of this publication.

KILIFI Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development

(a) LPLUDP No.55.Mld.2023.2—Proposed Local Physical and

Land Use Development Plan for Kibokoni M27 Informal Settlement

(b) Proposed Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan for Mazeras Informal Settlement

Any interested person(s) who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above named part development plan may send such representation in writing to be received by the County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Energy, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development, P.O. Box 519, or through

the email:, Kilifi, not later than sixty (60) days from the date of this notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made.

NAROK Completion Of Local Physical And Land Use Development

Ref. No. Title of Development Plan Ward

R1963/2023/01 Oletukat Local Physical and Land Use

Development Plan – Ildamat

R1520/2023/01 Eor Ekule Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Ildamat

R2781/2023/01 Olereko Local Physical and Land Use

Development Plan – Shankoe

R2782/2023/01 Olempongit Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Shankoe

R2783/2023/01 Kiribwet Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Kapsasian

R2784/2023/01 Olepoipoi Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Lolgorian

R2785/2023/01 Nyabitunwa Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Shankoe

R2786/2023/01 Lelagoin Local Physical and Land

Use Development Plan – Kapsasian

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above development plans may within sixty (60) days send the same to the County Executive Committee Member, Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development, P.O. Box 898-20500, Narok Town and such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

SAMBURU PURSUANT to the Fourth Schedule Part 2 (2) (a) of the Constitution and section 5 of the County Governments Act, 2012, for effective service delivery as devolved function, the County Executive Committee Member in-charge of Health gazettes 7 health facilities to be dispensaries