Achievement Stocktaking: Kenya Kwanza Government Performance and Delivery Roadshow

The Kenya Kwanza Government, on 9th January 2024, launched a week-long Government Performance and Delivery Roadshow, spearheaded by Public Service, Performance, and Delivery Management Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria. This initiative aims to assess the government’s accomplishments in the year since it assumed office. The roadshow sets the stage for an upcoming Cabinet retreat scheduled for February.
The focal point of the impending retreat is an in-depth examination of the progress made by various Ministries and State Departments in meeting their commitments outlined in the ambitious Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). This scrutiny serves to evaluate the ongoing initiatives’ effectiveness and ensure alignment with the administration’s overarching vision.
Preparations for the retreat are well underway, with a specific emphasis on formulating the Administration’s Delivery Roadmap for the Year 2024. A recent Cabinet meeting earlier this month presented a comprehensive briefing on the ongoing Performance and Delivery Roadshow. This collaborative effort, led by the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management, underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing performance and delivery mechanisms. A summary of the scorecards presented by a number of ministries is shown in the table below:
Summary of the scorecards presented by the various ministries during the Government Performance and Delivery Roadshow
Roadshow Day # | Ministry | Achievements | Commitments |
1 | Ministry of Labour & Social Protection | Increase in NSSF membership from 1.2 million to 2.9 million Kenyans, signifying a 141% growth in one year.
• Increase in job placements, both domestic and international from 2.9 million to 3.1 million, signifying a 6.8% growth in one year. • Increase in NSSF savings from KSh1.4 billion to KSh6.5 billion, signifying a 364% growth in one year. |
4 | State Law Office | -Facilitated the collection of KSh 15 million on behalf of aggrieved members of the public and largely disadvan taged complainants against advocates.
-Registered 60,175 marriages, resulting in a revenue collection of KSh 116 million. -The Public Trustee finalised the administration of 4,055 estates of deceased persons and trusts and has disbursed approximately KSh. 3.1 billion to widows, widowers, orphans and other beneficiaries. -Concluded 1,588 cases out of which 1,503 were successfully defended saving the government in excess of KSh.17.5 billion -Offered legal aid to 122,221 indigent, marginalised and vulnerable members of the society in criminal, civil and children matters. -1,193 societies were registered in the last financial year. -432,501, business entities were registered in the last financial year. |
-Decentralisation of State Law Office to all the 47 counties.
-Digitization and digitalization of the State Law Office and Department of Justice. -Provide 80% of government services online. -Restructure the State Law Office to equip the Attorney-General’s Office. -Reduction of cases against the government by 50% by working with other players in the justice industry. |
4 | Ministry of East African Community, the ASALs and Regional Development | -Favourable balance of trade as exports grew by 12.4% and imports reduced by 3.2%.
-Expanded the Kenya market through the admission of the Federal Republic of Somalia into EAC which grew the market by 12 million people This expanded the regional market from 301 million to 313 million signifying a 3.5% increase. -Reduction of non-tariff barriers from 267 to 251 therefore facilitating free movement of goods and services signifying a 5% growth. -Enhanced food security and provided 4.4 million people with food due to prolonged drought and the El Nino rains. SPDO |
-Development of MSMEs through a review of the EAC simplified trade regime and value chains development.
-Conclude regional policy initiatives to support EAC priority value chains in the manufacturing sector. -Transformation of the Regional Development Authority into economic drivers through Public Private Partnership. -Roll out of Hunger Safety Net Programme (III) with monthly payments of KSh. 2,700 per household. -Develop the Relief Assistance Management Information System. -Develop an integrated resilience programme which will entail developing water harvesting, irrigation, piping and market infrastructure in the ASAL region. |
5 | Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife | -Tourism revenue increased by 25% from KSh 268.088 in 2022 to KSh 333.8628 in 2023.
Tourist arrivals increased by 18.4% from 1,483,752 in 2022 to 1,757,164 in 2023. International delegates hosted at KICC increased by 2461.82% from 550 in 2022 to 14,090 in 2023. 259 services(95%) have been onboarded into E-citizen. -Refurbishment of KICC from 22.2% completion in 2022 to 64.5% in 2023 to enhance Meetings, Incentives, Convention and Exhibitions (MICE) tourism. -Installed 214 km of firebreaks in Aberdares, Lake Nakuru and Tsavo West Parks. reserves. -Translocated wild animals (lions, elephants, buffalos, giraffes, rhinos, elland and hippos) to decongest and restock parks and – Increased the number of visitors to the parks from 2.18 million in 2022 to 2.94 million in 2023 translating to 35% increase. -Drought mitigation in parks through establishment of 21 water pans and 4 boreholes in the larger Tsavo Conservation Area. Human Wildlife Conflicts Compensation Claims amounting to KSh. 908 million to beneficiaries. |
-To increase tourist arrivals with an additional 825,000 annually from the current 1.7 million in 2023 to 5 million by 2027, a 31% annual increase.
-To Review the National Tourism Policy and Tourism Act 2011 to align with the current constitution and the tourism sector emerging issues. -To complete the construction of Ronald Ngala Utalii College by June 2024 and set up regional Utalii Colleges by 2027. -To organize Beach operators into saccos and develop a code of conduct in Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi. -To increase the population of endangered species – elephants and rhinos – by 2% and 8% respectively in the next 10 years. -To establish 3 sanctuaries for endangered species – Rhino, Roan and Sable – by 2027. -To increase park revenue collection from KSh. 6.6 billion in 2023 to KSh. 138 by 2027. -To initiate drought mitigation in parks through construction of 21 water pans and 4 boreholes in the larger Tsavo Conservation Area. |
5 | Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs | -Mainstreamed 200 co-operatives bringing into formal mining 800,000 members in 2023.
-Digital Superhighway: digitised mining services for laboratory, royalty and explosive systems. -Restored 3000ha of degraded mangrove forest by planting seedlings in the Indian Ocean. -Supported 621 common interest groups in fishing with grants amounting to KSh. 1.5 billion within the 5 coastal counties. -Provided fishing boats to fishing communities in 8 Beach Management Units and trained fishing crew for deep sea fishing. -Trained 565 seaweed farmers on mariculture production in Kwale County. -Trained 5,989 seafarers on various maritime courses and recruited 1,788 in foreign ships in 2022-2023. -Inspected and surveyed 3396 ships that docked at the Mombasa Port which led to the lifting of 3,072 TEUS in 2022-2023. -Audited and inspected 10 Maritime Education and Training Institutions to ensure quality assurance in accordance with IMO regulations. |
-Decentralization of mining laboratory services to counties starting with the 8 regions.
-Establish value addition centres: gold refinery in Kakamega, granite factory in Vihiga and revive fluorspar company in Elgeyo Marakwet. -Development of Phase II of Ultramodern Tuna Fish Hub at Liwatoni Develop 14 fish landing sites with processing and cold storage. -Enhance deep sea fishing as an investment and as a driver of economic growth. -Train 5,000 seafarers on maritime courses and recruit 5,000 in 2024. -Inspect and survey 2000 ships that will dock in the Mombasa Port in 2024. -Construct Survival Training Center at Bandari Maritime Academy to enhance its capacity. -Construct Maritime Regional Coordination Center in Kisumu to enhance maritime safety and security and spur investment in Lake Victoria. |
6 | Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Sanitation | -Increased national water coverage from 70% in 2022 to 72% in 2023. Connecting an additional
-Increased Urban Sewarage Coverage from 27% in 2022 to 32% in 2023 for four million people with water. – Constructed 100 Small water dams and water pans in 2023. -Reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW) from 47% in 2022 to 45% in 2023. – Increased area under Irrigation by 47,933 acres (7.2%) from 664,000 acres in 2022 to 711,933 acres in 2023. -Increased paddy rice production by 42,000 metric tonnes (22%) from 192,299 metric tonnes in 2022 to 234,000 metric tonnes in 2023. |
-Increase water coverage from 72% to 74% in 2024, aiming at 80% by 2027.
-Groundbreaking of four large dams in 2024. – Drill and equip 200 boreholes in 2024. -Reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW) from 45% in 2023 to 41% in 2024 – Roll out the use of smart meters in Nairobi and Mombasa Cities. – Increase master water meters from 20 in 2023 to 50 in 2024. – Build one water desalination plant in 2024 – Increase Urban Sewerage Coverage from 32% in 2023 to 40% in 2024. – Increase area under irrigation by 60,000 acres in 2024 to 771,933 acres – Increase irrigated rice production from 234,000 metric tonnes in 2023 to 304,000 metric tonnes by 2024, reducing net rice import by 10%. from 197 399 metric tonnes in 2037 |