• 3 Jul 2023
  • 4 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Anne Ndungu
County  Description 
Bomet The Governor, Bomet County, has 

nominated a number of people to constitute the County Environment Committee, for a period of three (3) years

Tharaka Nithi The Governor of Tharaka Nithi County appoints  

  • Julius Mutinda Mulinge – Member,
  • Naftly Muthomi Njeru – Member,
  • Saturnina Ithiru Mutegi (Ms.) – Member,

to be members of Tharaka Nithi County (Executive) Internal Audit

Committee for a period of three (3) years, extendable for a further

three years, with immediate effect. Further, he extend the period of

appointments of others. 

The Governor, County Government of Tharaka Nithi appoints—

Charles Murithi Kithinji to represent Youth,

  • Faith Njeri to represent People Living with Disability,
  • Justus Mwiti Kanga to represent Business Community,
  • Kellen Karimi Karingi (Ms.) to represent Labour Issues,
  • Purity Muthoni Nkoroi (Dr.) to represent Women,
  • Albano Kiania to represent Special Interest Group,
  • Bishop Samuel Njagi to represent Faith Based Group,
  • Dorcasius Nyaga to represent Professionals,
  • Stanley Gitonga Mbaka (Dr.)

to represent Professionals, to be non-state members of Tharaka Nithi County Budget and Economic Forum (TNCBEF) until such a time a new Forum is appointed by an incoming governor, with effect from the 1st July, 2023. The first meeting will be held on the 11th and 12th July, 2023 at

the County Headquarters, Kathwana.

Taita Taveta The Governor, Taita Taveta, appoints

  • Ruth Lelewu (Dr.),
  • Houghton Msagha Mombo, as TAVEVO board members.
Nakuru It is notified for the information of

Members of the County Assembly of Nakuru and the public that the Assembly shall have special sittings on Thursday, 6th July, 2023, at

9.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. and Friday, 7th July, 2023, at 9.30 a.m. and

2.30 p.m. at the County Assembly chambers building in Nakuru.

Migori Notice is given that the preparation of the Migori County Spatial Plan (2022–2032) draft Plan was on the 2nd June, 2023, completed.

The plan relates to land situated within Migori County.

A copy of the draft plan has been deposited for public inspection,

free of charge at the offices of the CECM, Lands, Housing, Physical

Planning and Urban Development and Director, Physical Planning and

Urban Development.

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in

connection with or objection to the above plan may send the same to

CECM, Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development,

P.O. Box 195–40400, Suna, Migori, by the 18th August, 2023 and

such representations or comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made.

Lamu Notice is given that the County Government of Lamu intends to commence preparation of plans for the following areas:

(a) Trading Centres: Pangani, Lake Amu, Safirisi, Kauthara, Kizingitini.

(b) Vipingoni Farms.

The purpose of the Plans is to increase tenure security for the

locals as well as regulate land uses within the planning areas.

Comments and views related to the planning areas above may be

directed to;

The County Government of Lamu,

CECM Lands, Physical Planning,

P.O. Box 74 –80502, Lamu.

Nairobi  Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report For The Proposed Apartments On Plot L.R. No. 1/160, Along Wood Avenue, Kilimani, Nairobi City County

(NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above-proposed project. The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the

Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision

making process regarding this project.

Comments can also be emailed to

Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report

For The Proposed Residential Development (Apartments) And Associated Facilities/Services on Plot L.R. No. Nairobi/Block15/497, Along Mbaazi

Road In Lavington Area, Nairobi City County

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has

received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the

above-proposed project.

The National Environment Management Authority invites

members of the public to submit oral or written comments within

thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the

Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision

making process regarding this project.

Comments can also be emailed to 

Machakos Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report

For The Proposed Set Up Of An Iron And Steel Plant

On L.R. No. 12648/193 (Orinally 12648/77) In Mavoko

Municipality In Machakos County.

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has

received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the

above proposed project. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:

(a) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,

NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati Road, Upper Hill, P.O.

Box 30126–00100, Nairobi.

(b) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,

P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.

(c) County Director of Environment, Machakos County.

A copy of the report can be downloaded at

The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the  Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision making process regarding this project.

Comments can also be emailed to

Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report

For The Residential Apartments On Plot L.R. Nos.

12715/14037, 14038, 14039, 14040, 14041 Along Mwananchi

Road, Syokimau, Machakos County

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has

received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the

above proposed project. The National Environment Management Authority invites

members of the public to submit oral or written comments within

thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the

Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision

making process regarding this project.

Comments can also be emailed to

Embu The Senior Principal Magistrate’s Court at Runyenjes

intends to apply to the Chief Justice for leave to destroy the records,

books and papers of the Senior Principal Magistrate’s Court at

Runyenjes as set out below.

Criminal Cases 2017 – 2019

Miscellaneous Criminal Cases 2017 – 2019

Traffic Cases 2017 – 2019

A comprehensive list of all the condemned records that qualify to

be disposed under the Act can be obtained and perused at the Senior

Principal Magistrate’s court registry, Runyenjes.

Any person desiring the return of any exhibit in any of the above

cases must make his/her claim within the time stipulated in this


All exhibits to which no claim is substantiated before the

destruction of the records shall under Rule 4 be deemed to be part of

the records for the purpose of disposal.

Nyeri The Governor, Nyeri County, has constituted the membership of the Nyeri County Environment Committee.