3rd February 2023 County Round Up

  • 3 Feb 2023
  • < 1
  • 〜 by Mercy Kamau


TRANZOIA The Governor has extended the term for the taskforce appointed vide Gazette Notice No. 12643 of 2022, for a further period of thirty (30) days.

Further, he appointed several persons to be Committee Members of the Taskforce Inquiring into Issues Pertaining to Public Land Report Implementation Committee whose tenure shall be three (3) months, with effect from the 6th February, 2023.

He also appointed several persons to be members of the County Health Review and Transformation Taskforce mandated to promote quality healthcare.

LAIKIPIA The Chairperson of the Laikipia County Physical and Land Use Planning Liaison Committee to replace George Mwangi Wanjohi, the former Chairperson following his resignation
MIGORI The Speaker of Migori County Assembly has notified the Members of the County Assembly and general public that a special sitting of the County Assembly shall be held on Monday 6th February.
TANA RIVER The Governor has  appointed several persons to serve in the Tana River County budget and economic Forum.