Understanding Gen Z’s Views on Government Policies & Legal Frameworks: A Generational Perspective

  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 3 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Shammah Sirima

The Government faces a critical challenge in staying relevant across generations, particularly when societal challenges, priorities and views stray on key government priorities. Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, emerges as a distinct demographic with significantly more liberal attitudes compared to their Gen X parents and Baby Boomer grandparents. This shift is particularly pronounced in their views on civil liberties and law and order, as evidenced by multiple protests, rejecting government laws and policies in Kenya as well as other states.

Liberal Leanings and Civil Disobedience

Gen Z exhibits a strong inclination towards individual freedoms, prioritising the right to protest and engage in acts of civil disobedience over strict adherence to legal frameworks. They are particularly adamant on the ideal of being a leaderless movement, instead having each member of the youth share their take/ concerns on a shared platform. This perspective has vividly reflected during the “#occupy*” protests and various X Spaces (formerly Twitter), where Gen Z voiced significant opposition to government policies, contrasting sharply with older generations, especially government officials.

Historical Lessons

Drawing parallels to the transformative social reforms of the 1960s and 1990s, where personal freedoms expanded rapidly, Gen Z’s current stance on issues like employment, public funds utilisation and corruption, among others, signals potential societal shifts ahead. Like their Baby Boomer predecessors, Gen Z’s views challenge traditional notions of law and order, advocate against harsh living conditions and favour healthy civil liberties through responsible and accountable governance.

Contrary to the expectation that views might shift with age and experience, historical data suggests that generational attitudes remain remarkably stable over time. This implies that Gen Z’s liberal perspectives on civil liberties and personal freedoms are likely to persist as they mature, enter the workforce, and assume greater responsibilities.

Political Implications and Strategic Considerations

As Gen Z becomes a larger segment of voters, their distinct priorities necessitate a reevaluation of political messaging and policy approaches. Traditional strategies emphasising revenue collection and rigid frameworks toughening the cost of living may not resonate well with Gen Z voters, demanding a nuanced approach that aligns with their values of accountability and social freedom.

Looking Ahead

For policymakers and political strategists, understanding and responding to Gen Z’s views on law and order are imperative for maintaining electoral relevance. The insights gleaned from ongoing protests provide a vital roadmap for crafting inclusive policies that resonate across generational divides.

As Gen Z continues to assert its influence in shaping societal norms and political discourse, harnessing these insights will be crucial for navigating the evolving landscape of civil liberties and law enforcement policies in the years to come.

Case Study: NATO Engages Young Influencers to Connect with Generation Z

As the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) marks its 75th anniversary, the military alliance is seeking innovative ways to engage younger audiences. This week, discussions revolve around critical issues such as Ukraine’s potential membership and the health of U.S. President Joe Biden. To remain relevant, NATO is turning to social media influencers.

A group of 16 content creators from countries like the U.K., Germany, and France, known for their significant followings on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, has been invited to attend NATO’s summit in Washington from July 9-11. Additionally, 10 U.S.-based influencers joined the event at the invitation of the U.S. Defense and State Departments.

This initiative reflects NATO’s recognition that traditional media may not effectively reach Generation Z, particularly as public support for defence spending in Europe faces challenges from political figures like former President Donald Trump. By engaging influencers, NATO aims to leverage their platforms to enhance visibility and relevance among younger demographics.

While NATO covers the travel expenses of these influencers, it maintains editorial independence, allowing them to post freely without compensation. This strategy highlights the alliance’s effort to adapt and connect in an evolving media landscape.

As effective as the practice was, most of the influencers were able to capture the event and bring such meetings to the attention of Gen Z. However, the very same influencers were able to speak freely on their experience on their platforms. Most delivered an honest take and had a large number of their following questioning the relevance of the treaty in the modern world. This step has shown the world the importance of social media engagement for the generations to come. The very nature of remaining relevant in the international arena has created an urgency for social media diplomacy.