Executive Walkway

Parliamentary Aisle

Parliamentary Recess

Both houses are on recess with the Senate resuming regular sittings on 3rd September 2024 while the National Assembly resumes regular sittings on 17th September 2024.

Corridors ofJustice

Talking of Which

New CAK Chair faces vetting.

This week, all eyes are on David Kibet Kemei, former Kenya Re Chairman, as he steps up for a critical vetting to become the Director General of the Competition Authority of Kenya. The National Assembly’s Finance and National Planning Committee is gearing up to assess his suitability for this influential role.

Watch out for

Court of Appeal Stands Firm on SHIF

In a significant decision, the Court of Appeal denied the Ministry of Health’s request for immediate stay orders concerning the implementation of the SocialHealth Insurance Fund (SHIF). The ruling on the matter has been deferred until 20th September 2024.


Mr. Tobia Alando - Acting CEO, Kenya Association of Manufacturers.

Mr. Tobias Alando has been appointed as the Acting CEO of the Kenya Association of Manufacturers following the resignation of now former CEO Mr. Anthony Mwangi while the Board of Directors initiate and progress the process of recruiting a new CEO. In July 2022, he was appointed the Acting Chief Executive Officer following Ms Phyllis Wakiaga’s exit on 30th June 2022. 

Mr. Tobias Alando is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at the Kenya Association of Manufacturers. He holds a Masters in Management & Leadership at the Management University of Africa, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from Marathwada University in India and a Postgraduate Degree in Information Systems Management from the same University. He also holds a Diploma in Private Sector Development from International Swedish Institute for Public Administration-Sweden.