NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Papers Laid The Quarterly Report and budgetary review report for the first half of the financial year 2021/2022 from the National Treasury. Reports of the Auditor-General and Financi...
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Communication from the chair relating to prioritization of individual members’ Bills Pursuant to the calendar adopted by the House last week, the House is scheduled to hold a t...
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PAPERS LAID The following papers were laid at the Table of the House among others: Legal Notice No. 268 relating to the Nairobi International Financial Centre General Regulations 202...
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PAPERS LAID The following papers were laid at the Table of the House among others: Financial Year 2021/2022 Supplementary estimates 1 program based budget. Financial Year 2021/...
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PAPERS LAID The following papers were laid at the Table of the House among others: Legal Notice No. 260 of 2021 relating to the Political Parties Membership Regulations of 2021 and...
On Thursday, President Uhuru Kenyatta signed into law the Political Parties (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (“Amendment Act”). Following an acrimonious debate in the National Assembly, the Senate on Wednes...
SENATE SPECIAL SITTING COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR Convening of Special Sittings of the Senate The House was convened for a Special Sitting for the consideration of the following business: – Th...
A Review of the House Special Sittings held in December 2021 and January, 2022. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PAPERS LAID The following papers were laid at the Table of the House among others: Legal N...
Key House highlights of the Year In 2021, the National Assembly and the Senate considered various businesses. As the year ends, here is a summary of some of the important businesses handled by the two...
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Debate on the President’s Address To Parliament Communication from the Chair The Speaker of the National Assembly has been invited to grace a tree-planting event dubbed ‘Nati...
The Seventh and Final Annual Devolution Conference was convened jointly by the Council of Governors, the Senate, the Ministry of Devolution, and the County Assemblies Forum and was held between 23rd a...