The National Assembly Tuesday, 21st November, 2023 – 2:30 PM MOTIONS Reduction of Publication Period of a Specified Bill 1970 Unesco Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the...
Tuesday, 14th November, 2023 The National Assembly Special Motion Consideration of a nominee for appointment as a member of the National Government Constituencies Development Fund board. Motion Insp...
National Assembly Tuesday, August 8th 2023 Legislation The Climate Change (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 42 of 2023) The Food and Feed Safety Control Coordination Bill (National As...
Tuesday Senate Legislation Committee of the Whole The Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill (Senate Bills No. 6 of 2022) (Sen. Danson Mungatana, MP) The Cotton Industry Development Bill (Sena...
National Assembly The National Assembly is on a short recess and is expected to resume House business on 25th July, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. Senate The Senate is on a short recess....
The National Assembly The House is on a long recess and will resume on 5th June 2023. The Senate The House is on a long recess and is expected to resume on 5th June 2023....
Parliamentary Round-Up Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Senate Motions Adoption of The Report of The Select Committee On Delegated Legislation on its Consideration of The Statutory Instruments (Exemp...
Tuesday, 18th April 2023 At 2.30 p.m. The Senate Motions Provision of free sanitary towels to end period poverty The doping menace threatening Kenya’s impeccable global re...
The National Assembly Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is responsible for the examination of the accounts showing the appropriations of the sum voted by the House to meet the public expenditure and of ...
While appearing before the Senate Committee on Finance and Budget on Friday last week, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) through its Director for Economic Affairs, impressed upon the Committe...
The National Assembly The House is on a short recess and will resume on 11th April 2023. The Senate The House is on a short recess and is expected to resume on 11th April 20...