Political and Regulatory Affairs Round Up.

  • 3 Jun 2024
  • 2 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Shammah Sirima




Magarini MP Harrison Kombe loses seat after Supreme Court upholds annulment

The Supreme Court on Friday upheld the nullification of the election of Magarini MP Harrison Garama Kombe.

A five-judge bench of the apex court ruled that Mr Stanely Kenga Larisa had met the burden of proof and established that the Constitution and the Electrol Act had not been complied with as ruled by the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

Mr Kenga, a former deputy speaker of the Kilifi County Assembly contested the seat on President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party ticket and garnered 11,925 votes against Mr Kombe’s 11,946 (ODM), a difference of 21 votes.




CCM secretary general rejects divisive politics in Tanzania, calls for unity

The secretary General of the ruling party CCM, Dr Emmanuel Nchimbi, has urged Tanzanians to remain united and firmly reject any efforts to divide them.

Addressing party cadres in Manyoni District, during his tour of Singida Region on May 31, 2024, Dr Nchimbi emphasized the importance of national unity.

He emphasized that peace and stability, which were foundational principles established by the nation’s forefather, bring benefits to all.

(The Citizen)


Uganda public debt stock nears sh100 trillion

Uganda’s national debt has grown to 24.60 Billion dollars (93.38 Trillion shillings), according to latest report by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for the period up the December 2023.

This is an increase from 23.66 that was recorded at the end of last financial year (June 2023).

This resulted in the debt to GDP ratio reducing from  48.4 to 46.9 percent, because of the expansion of the economy, rather than reduction in debt stock.

Of this, external public debt accounted for 14.64 Billion dollars (55.37 Trillion shillings) while domestic debt was 9.96 Billion (38.01 trillion), according to the public debt sustainability analysis conducted in December.

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija says more borrowing is necessary to fund the budget, though it needs to be prudent.

(The Independent)


Diane Rwigara submits her presidential candidature

Diane Shima Rwigara, on May 30, submitted her candidature for the July presidential elections to the National Electoral Commission (NEC), becoming the seventh independent aspirant to bid for the presidency in the July polls.

Rwigara said that her political programme is centered on the continuous economic development of the country. She said: “It is nice that we have really developed infrastructure, a clean city, but we also must remember other aspects of development.

(New Times)


Political Parties Should Exercise Dialogue in Solving Problems: Addis Ababa Political Parties Joint Council Chair

Addis Ababa Political Parties Joint Council Chairman Mulugeta Abebe said that all parties in Ethiopia should practice dialogue in finding solutions to the various challenges.


The chairman told ENA that the council firmly believes that political problems of the country should be solved through dialogue and building national consensus.

According to him, 14 of the 16 political parties under the Addis Ababa Political Parties Joint Council are keen to contribute to the national dialogue and work for its success.

“It is necessary to work hard to create common understanding on major issues by making use of the opportunity brought by the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission and making dialogue a practice,” he noted.