• 19 May 2024
  • 3 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Brian Otieno



Kenya, Uganda to extend the oil pipeline from Eldoret to Kampala

Kenya and Uganda have agreed to jointly extend the oil pipeline from Eldoret to Uganda in a deal that will see Kampala import refined petroleum products directly through Nairobi. This extension, Nairobi says, will facilitate trade relations between the two countries.

This comes following discussions between President Ruto and his Ugandan counterpart, H.E. Museveni, who is in the country for a two-day official state visit.



Budget for new fiscal year swells to UgShs72 trillion

Parliament on Thursday passed a UgSh72.130 trillion national budget, up from an earlier proposed total of UgSh58 trillion. This is a UgSh20 trillion increment from the last financial year’s budget of UgSh52 trillion. The payment of Uganda’s public debt commands the lion’s share, accounting for over UgSh34.017 trillion.

The Ministry of Finance is planning to borrow UgSh28.768 trillion from local commercial banks to fund the UgSh72.130 trillion national budget. The government has also increased the amount of money it had earlier planned to borrow from the external market from UgSh8.905 trillion to now UgSh10.977 trillion, which is a UgSh2.071 trillion increment.

(Daily News)


Govt to harmonise taxes, laws in sectoral ministries

The government is reviewing all taxes, laws and regulations imposed by the sectoral ministries and councils to harmonise and improve the business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises and trade, the National Assembly was informed yesterday.

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa told the August House during yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions session in Parliament that the government’s top priority is to ensure traders conduct their businesses in a manner that boosts productivity and contributes to the country’s economic growth.

The PM was responding to a question by Iddi Kassim Idd (Msalala-CCM) on multiple taxes which affect entrepreneurs, prompting them to craft strategies to evade taxes, thus denying the government its rightful revenue.

(Daily News)


Why Rwanda plans to set up tech to monitor land use

Rwanda plans to use technology that can help detect changes in land use, a move that is intended to help tackle deviation, including encroachment on agricultural land, and ensure efficient utilisation of this natural resource, according to the National Land Authority (NLA).

The Director General of the National Land Authority, Marie Grace Nishimwe, told The New Times that the land administration tracking information system will be developed in the next financial year (2024/2025).

She indicated that the authority was working on terms of reference, pointing out that it would know the exact budget needed to develop the system after completing the exercise.

“We want that it helps us to monitor [land use] before going to the field, such that we at least have such information which can help us to target given areas where we realise changes are being made,” she said.

(New Times)


Deputy PM Temesgen holds discussion with Azerbaijan Interior minister

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh held a fruitful discussion with the Interior Minister of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Eyvazov Vilayat Suleyman.

The two sides exchanged views on ways to further bolster bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan, including on security issues.

They have also agreed to cooperate on various issues, including capacity building in the intelligence and security sectors.



Fresh round of US sanctions targets two Sudanese RSF commanders

The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced sanctions on two Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanders, Ali Yagoub Jibril and Osman Mohamed Hamid, due to their leading roles in RSF attacks on North Darfur and elsewhere in Sudan.

(Radio Dabanga)


Somalia and Kenya draft historic defence agreement

The Somali Cabinet convened a high-level meeting to review a draft defence agreement between Somalia and its neighbouring country, Kenya.

The meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Salah Jama, brought together the country’s top defence and security officials to discuss the proposed agreement, which aims to enhance cooperation in various areas, including intelligence sharing, joint military operations, and capacity building.

The draft agreement was presented to the ministers for their review and input, reflecting the Somali government’s collaborative approach to addressing the nation’s pressing security challenges.

(Radio Dalsan)