Parliamentary Round-Up

  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 9 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Brian Otieno


The National Assembly

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 2.30pm


  • Public Petition on Funds Spent Contrary to The Provisions of Article 223 of the Constitution.
  •  Reports of The Auditor-General on The National Government Constituencies Development Fund for Nine Constituencies in Bungoma County.
  • Reports of The Auditor-General on The Financial Statements of Specified State Corporations.
  • Enhancing Reporting of Parliamentary Business on Online Platforms.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 9.30am


  • The Public Service Internship Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 63 of 2022).
  • The Mung Beans Bill (Senate Bill No. 13 of 2022).


  • Public Petition on Funds Spent Contrary to The Provisions of Article 223 of the Constitution.
  • Reports of The Auditor-General on The National Government Constituencies Development Fund for Nine Constituencies in Bungoma County.


  • Policy for the Provision of Mental Health Services in All Healthcare Facilities.
  • Establishment of a Science Museum.
  • Supporting and Promoting Local Fertiliser Manufacturing Industries.
  • Government-to-Government (G2G) Model for Acquisition and Supply of Fertilisers to Farmers at Subsidised Cost.
  • Establishment of a National Policy to Combat Disrespectful Childbirth Practices in Kenya.
  • Review of the Eligibility Age for Enrolment of Older Members of Society to The Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme.
  • Formulation of a Reward Scheme for Accomplishments by Sports Persons in International Competitions.
  • Expansion of Major Roads in the Country to Dual Carriageways.
  • Uundaji Wa Sera Za Kushughulikia Matukio Ya Ubaguzi Dhidi Ya Wanafunzi Wa Dini Mbalimbali Katika Taasisi Za Elimu Nchini.

Wednesday, July 23, 2024, 2.30pm


  • The Division of Revenue (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 38 of 2024).


  • Consideration of the First Supplementary Estimates for The Financial Year 2024/2025. 
  • Consideration of Senate Amendments to The Conflict-Of-Interest Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 12 of 2023).
  • Committee of the Whole House: Consideration of Senate Amendments to The Conflict-of-Interest Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 12 of 2023).
  • Reports of The Auditor-General on The National Government Constituencies Development Fund for Nine Constituencies in Bungoma County.
  •  Public Petition on Funds Spent Contrary to The Provisions of Article 223 of the Constitution.
  • Reports of The Auditor-General on The Financial Statements of Specified State Corporations.
  • Enhancing Reporting of Parliamentary Business on Online Platforms.

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 2.30pm


  • Consideration of the First Supplementary Estimates for The Financial Year 2024/2025.
  • Committee of Supply (1st Allotted Day).
  • Consideration of the President’s Reservations to The Finance Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 30 of 2024). 
  • Reports of The Auditor-General on The National Government Constituencies Development Fund for Nine Constituencies in Bungoma County. 
  • Public Petition on Funds Spent Contrary to The Provisions of Article 223 of the Constitution.
  • Report On Consideration of The Audited Accounts of Specified State Corporations.
  • Enhancing Reporting of Parliamentary Business on Online Platforms.

The Senate

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 2.30pm


  • The Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 44 of 2023).
  • The Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2023).
  • The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill (Senate Bills No. 41 of 2023).
  • The Law of Succession (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 20 of 2023).
  • The Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No. 38 of 2023).
  • The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 52 of 2023).
  • The Heritage and Museums Bill (Senate Bills No. 8 Of 2023).
  • The Agriculture and Food Authority (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 13 of 2023).
  • The County Hall of Fame Bill (Senate Bills No. 18 of 2023).
  • The Rice Bill (Senate Bills No. 19 of 2023).
  • The Public Holidays (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 31 of 2023).
  • The County Assembly Services (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 34 of 2023).
  • The County Public Finance Laws (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 39 of 2023).
  • The Energy (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 42 of 2023).



  • The Current State of The Nation.
  • Report of the Select Committee on Delegated Legislation on Its Consideration of The Social Health Insurance (General) Regulations, 2024 and the Social Health Insurance (Tribunal Procedure) Rules, 2024.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget on The Status of Implementation of Projects Funded by The Conditional Grant for The Construction of County Headquarters.
  • Report of The Select Committee On County Public Accounts On Its Consideration of The Report of The Auditor General On The Financial Statements of West Pokot County Assembly for The Financial Year 2018/2019 and Reports of The Auditor General On The Financial Statements Of Isiolo, Kiambu, Kitui, Marsabit, Narok, Nyamira, Trans Nzoia, West Pokot And Murang’a County Assemblies for The Financial Year 2019/2020.
  • Report of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on Its Consideration of The Audit Reports of The Water Service Providers for The Year Ended 30th June 2019, 30th June 2020, and 30th June 2021.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Health on The Inquiry into The Alleged Irregularities in The Procurement of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets at The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority.
  • Notice of Motion – Report of The Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on a Petition to The Senate by Residents of Siany Area, Nyamira County, Regarding Destruction of 41 Hectares of Siany Wetland – Lr No. North Mugirango/Magwagwa Ii/403.


  • The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) Annual Report for 2022/2023.


  • Report of the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on a Petition to the Senate by Residents of Siany area, Nyamira County, regarding Destruction of 41 Hectares of Siany Wetland – LR No. North Mugirango/Magwagwa II/403.

Questions and Statements

  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding the employment of persons above the mandatory retirement age by Kisumu County Government.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations regarding the state of stadia facilities in Kisumu County.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Health regarding the upgrade of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH) to a Level Six facility.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations regarding flood mitigation and compensation measures to victims in Kisumu County.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 9.30am


  • The Current State of The Nation.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Health on The Inquiry into The Alleged Irregularities in The Procurement of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets at The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority.
  • Notice of Motion – Report of The Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on A Petition to The Senate by Residents of Siany Area, Nyamira County, Regarding Destruction Of 41 Hectares of Siany Wetland – Lr No. North Mugirango/Magwagwa Ii/403.
  • Report of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on Its Consideration of The Audit Reports of The Water Service Providers for The Year Ended 30th June 2019, 30th June 2020, and 30th June 2021.
  • Report of the Select Committee on County Public Accounts on Its Consideration of The Reports of The Auditor General on The Financial Statements of Tharaka Nithi, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kirinyaga, Makueni, Meru, Bomet, Murang’a, Nandi, Nyamira, Nyeri, Siaya, Vihiga, Wajir and Samburu County Executives for The Financial Year 2019/2020.
  • Report of The 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Held in Accra, Ghana from 30th September – 6th October 2023.
  • Report of The 9th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians Held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 15th to 17th September 2023.
  • Report of the Kenya Delegation to The Extraordinary Session of The Sixth Parliament of The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Held at The Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, South Africa, from 20th to 27th March 2024.
  • Report of The14th Ordinary Session of The Plenary Assembly and Related Meetings of The Forum of Parliaments of The International Conference of The Great Lakes Region, Held in Livingstone, Zambia, from 15th to 19th April 2024.
  • Establishment of a Monthly Car Free Day and County Car Free Zones.
  • Addressing The Challenge of Power Purchase Agreement Renewals and Electricity Supply in Kenya.
  • Stoppage of Funds to Isiolo County Due to the Failure by The Governor to Honor Senate Summonses.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 2.30pm


  • The Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 44 of 2023).
  •  The Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2023).
  • The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill (Senate Bills No. 41 of 2023).
  • The Law of Succession (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 20 of 2023).
  • The Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No. 38 of 2023).
  • The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 52 of 2023).
  • Committee of the Whole – The Gambling Control Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 70 of 2023).
  • Committee of the Whole – The Tea (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 1 of 2023).
  • Committee of the Whole – The Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Bill (Senate Bills No. 17 of 2023).
  • Committee of the Whole –  The Meteorology Bill (Senate Bills No. 45 of 2023).
  •  Committee of the Whole – The National Construction Authority (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 59 of 2022).
  • The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 46 of 2023).
  • The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 49 of 2023).
  • The Local Content Bill (Senate Bills No. 50 of 2023).
  • The Co-Operative Societies (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 53 of 2023).
  • The Early Childhood Education (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 54 of 2023).
  • The Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No. 55 of 2023).


  • Report of the Select Committee on Delegated Legislation on Its Consideration of The Social Health Insurance (General) Regulations, 2024 and the Social Health Insurance (Tribunal Procedure) Rules, 2024.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget on The Status of Implementation of Projects Funded by The Conditional Grant for The Construction of County Headquarters.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget on the Senate Nominees, on Behalf of the County Governments, to the Position of Member of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).


  • Petition to the Senate by Mr. John Hero Amana and five (5) others concerning compensation of police officers who are injured in the line of duty.


  • The Office of the Controller of Budget (OCOB) Annual Report and Financial Statements for Financial Year 2022/2023.

Questions and Statements

  • The Senator for Machakos County (Sen. Agnes Kavindu, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations regarding cases of reported bodies dumped and retrieved in Kware area in Embakasi South Constituency in Nairobi City County.
  • The Senator for Bungoma County (Sen. David Wakoli, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries regarding the state of Chwele Chicken Slaughterhouse in Bungoma County.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding the employment of persons above the mandatory retirement age by Kisumu County Government.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations regarding the state of stadia facilities in Kisumu County.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Health regarding the upgrade of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH) to a level six facility.
  • The Senator for Kisumu County (Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations regarding flood mitigation and compensation measures to victims in Kisumu County.

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 2.30pm


  • The Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 44 of 2023).
  • The Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2023).
  • The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill (Senate Bills No. 41 of 2023).
  • The Law of Succession (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 20 of 2023).
  • The Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No. 38 of 2023).
  • The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 52 of 2023).
  • The Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No. 55 of 2023). 
  • The Local Content Bill (Senate Bills No. 50 of 2023).
  • The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 1 of 2024).
  • The Land (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 40 of 2022).
  • The County Oversight and Accountability Bill (Senate Bills No. 3 of 2024).
  • The County Civic Education Bill (Senate Bills No. 4 of 2024).
  • The County Statistics Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2024).
  • The Statutory Instruments (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 10 of 2024).
  • The Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 12 of 2024).
  • The County Assemblies’ Pensions Scheme Bill (Senate Bills No. 14 of 2024).


  •  Report of the Standing Committee on Health on The Inquiry into The Alleged Irregularities in The Procurement of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets at The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority.
  • Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget on The Status of Implementation of Projects Funded by The Conditional Grant for The Construction of County Headquarters.
  • Notice of Motion – Report of The Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on A Petition to The Senate by Residents of Siany Area, Nyamira County, Regarding Destruction of 41 Hectares of Siany Wetland – Lr No. North Mugirango/Magwagwa Ii/403.
  • Report of The 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Held in Accra, Ghana from 30th September – 6th October 2023.
  • Report of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on Its Consideration of The Audit Reports of The Water Service Providers for The Year Ended 30th June 2019, 30th June 2020, and 30th June 2021.
  • Report of the Select Committee on County Public Accounts on Its Consideration of The Reports of The Auditor General on The Financial Statements of Tharaka Nithi, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kirinyaga, Makueni, Meru, Bomet, Murang’a, Nandi, Nyamira, Nyeri, Siaya, Vihiga, Wajir and Samburu County Executives for The Financial Year 2019/2020.
  • Establishment of National Teaching and Referral Hospitals in Kenya.
  • County Governments to Set Aside Land for the Planting of Indigenous Trees.


Questions and Statements

  • Nominated Senator (Sen. Miraj Abdillahi, MP) to make a Statement regarding the International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. b) Request for Statements pursuant to Standing Order 53(1).
  • The Senator for Mombasa County (Sen. Mwinyihaji Mohamed Faki, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources regarding the ownership of freehold land by non-citizens of the Republic of Kenya.
  • The Senator for Mombasa County (Sen. Mwinyihaji Mohamed Faki, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding the status of the human resource department of the County Government of Mombasa.
  • The Senator for Bomet County (Sen.Wakili Hillary Sigei, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Roads and Transportation regarding stalled and/or abandoned infrastructure projects in Bomet County.
  • The Senator for Kisii County (Sen. Richard Onyonka, MP) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Roads, Transportation and Housing regarding the leasing of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) under the ‘Build, Operate and Transfer’ module of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to a private company.
  • The Senate Majority Leader to issue a Statement on the business of the Senate for the week commencing Tuesday, 30th July, 2024.