Parliamentary Round-Up

Tuesday, 14th November, 2023
The National Assembly
Special Motion
- Consideration of a nominee for appointment as a member of the National Government Constituencies Development Fund board.
- Inspection of various one-stop border posts in the northern corridor in the East African Community
- Sessional paper no. 1 of 2023 on the Kenya national population policy for sustainable development
- Debate on the President’s address (day 1)
- The Land Laws (amendment) bill (National Assembly bill no. 65 of 2023)
(the leader of the majority party)
Wednesday 15th November 2023
The National Assembly
Procedural Motion
- Exemption of certain business from standing order 40(3)
- Approval of morning sittings on specified Thursdays
- Report of the committee of the whole house on the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (amendment) bill (National Assembly Bill no. 13 of 2023)
- Debate on the President’s address (day 2)
- Debate on the President’s address (day 3)
- The universities (amendment)(no.3) bill (National Assembly bill no. 64 of 2023) (the Hon. Christopher Wangaya, MP)
- The statute law (miscellaneous amendments) bill (National Assembly bill no. 67 of 2023) (the leader of the majority party)
- The statute law (miscellaneous amendments) (no.2) bill (National Assembly bill no. 68 of 2023) (the leader of the majority party)
The Senate
- Debate on the President’s address to Parliament – (2nd day)
- Extension of the mandate of the ad hoc committee on the compensation to the Kenya victims of the 1998 bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi.
- Declaration of cattle rustling as a national disaster and establishment of a special fund for victims.
- Repossession of movable assets by lending institutions due to non-performing loans
- Designation of a monthly car-free day and county car-free zones
Thursday, 16th November, 2023
The Senate
- Report of the standing committee on devolution and intergovernmental relations on the application for conferment of city status to the Municipality of Eldoret.
- Development of a policy and law for social risk management in infrastructure development projects in Kenya.
- The Equalisation Fund Appropriation bill, (Senate bills no. 30 of 2023) (the chairperson, standing committee on finance and budget)
- The County Licensing (Uniform Procedure) bill (Senate bills no. 9 of 2022) (Sen. Mariam Sheikh Omar, MP)
- The Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services bill (Senate bills no. 12 of 2022) (Sen. Maureen Tabitha Mutinda, MP)
- The Mung Beans bill (Senate bills no. 13 of 2022) (Sen. Enoch Wambua, MP)
- The Start-up bill (Senate bills no. 14 of 2022) (Sen. Crystal Asige, MP)
- The Persons with Disabilities bill (Senate bills no. 7 of 2023) (Sen. Crystal Ssige, MP)
- The Kenyan Sign Language bill (Senate bills no. 9 of 2023) (Sen. (Prof.) Margaret Kamar, MP and Sen. Crystal Asige, MP)
- The Coffee bill (Senate bills no. 10 of 2023) (the chairperson, standing committee on agriculture, livestock and fisheries)
- The Food and Feed Safety Control Co-ordination bill (national assembly bills no. 21 of 2023) (the Senate majority leader)
- The Water (amendment) bill (National Assembly bills no. 33 of 2023) (the Senate majority leader)
Amended bills
- The County Licensing (Uniform Procedure) bill (Senate bills no. 9 of 2022) (Sen. Mariam Sheikh Omar, MP)
- The Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services bill (Senate bills no. 12 of 2022) (Sen. Maureen Tabitha Mutinda, MP)
- The Mung Beans bill (Senate bills no. 13 of 2022) (Sen. Enoch Wambua, MP)
- The Start-up bill (Senate bills no. 14 of 2022) (Sen. Crystal Asige, MP)
- The Persons with Disabilities bill (Senate bills no. 7 of 2023) (Sen. Crystal Asige, MP)
- The Kenyan Sign Language bill (Senate bills no. 9 of 2023) (Sen. (Prof.) Margaret Kamar, MP and Sen. Crystal Asige, MP)
The National Assembly
- Debate on the President’s address (day 4)
- Report on the multinational security support mission to the Republic of Haiti
- Report on the first supplementary estimates for the FY 2023/2024
- 1970 UNESCO Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property
- Report on the multinational security support mission to the Republic of Haiti
- Report on the first supplementary estimates for the FY 2023/2024
- Loans contracted by the national government between May 2022 and April 2023
- The 4th General Assembly of the Eastern Africa Parliamentary Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition (EAPA-FSN)
- The Geriatric bill (National Assembly Bill No. 50 of 2022) (the Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba, MP)
- The Public Service Commission (amendment) bill (National Assembly Bill no. 6 of 2023) (the Hon. Benjamin Gathiru, MP)
- The Conflict of Interest bill (National Assembly Bill no. 12 of 2023) (the leader of the majority party)