CBK introduces green finance taxonomy, paving the way for sustainable financial practices

  • 21 Apr 2024
  • 2 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Abigael Ndanu


In a groundbreaking development that signals a major step forward in environmental sustainability, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) unveiled the draft Kenya Green Finance Taxonomy (KGFT) for public feedback in March 2024. This collaboration between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and CBK sets the stage for Kenya to embrace green finance. The goal of KGFT is crystal clear: to categorise economic activities as either ‘green’ or environmentally sustainable, providing much-needed guidance for financial industry players and stakeholders.

Drawing inspiration from Kenya’s commitment to global climate agreements like the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, the KGFT focuses initially on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Nevertheless, its adaptable nature means it can evolve to encompass wider environmental goals in line with Kenya’s ambitious sustainability objectives.

The creation of the KGFT addresses pressing challenges that have hindered the integration of sustainability in Kenyan financial institutions, such as Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB). The absence of a standardised green finance framework has led to inconsistencies in risk management and disclosure practices, posing hurdles for institutions striving to embrace sustainability.

 With the introduction of the KGFT, financial institutions now have a comprehensive solution at their fingertips. By offering clear guidelines for assessing the environmental impact of economic activities and outlining ‘green’ sectors and activities, the taxonomy equips banks and financial entities with the necessary tools to navigate the intricacies of sustainable finance.

 Furthermore, the KGFT opens up a world of opportunities for financial institutions to explore sustainable investments. From issuing green bonds and loans to creating innovative financial products in line with the taxonomy, players like KCB can tap into the increasing demand for environmentally conscious investment options.

 Financial institutions must actively participate in the public consultation process for the KGFT as they embark on this green finance journey. By providing feedback and insights, banks and stakeholders can play a pivotal role in shaping the final version of the taxonomy, ensuring it meets industry needs and supports the transition towards a more sustainable financial landscape.

In summary, the unveiling of the Kenya Green Finance Taxonomy signals a new chapter in sustainability for Kenya’s financial sector. Embracing this initiative not only helps financial institutions manage environmental risks but also empowers them to seize opportunities for positive change and contribute to Kenya’s sustainable development goals.