What the world has seen, and what they saw

  • 8 Jul 2024
  • 3 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Shammah Sirima


Gen Z: The Revolution

Kenya’s Generation Z (Gen Z) was in the limelight as they took to the streets to address their concerns about the current government and the Finance Bill, 2024. Concerned with the implications and the raised cost of living, they took to social media, where they planned to march to Parliament in a peaceful protest. Their agenda? “#RejectTheFinanceBill2024”. Their march caught the attention of the international community, and concerns about engagement with the State were expressed as organisations paid attention to the distress. This led to multiple ripple effects while highlighting the power of Gen Z and social media.


Addressing Kenyans’ concerns

Recent developments in Kenya have underscored deep-seated economic hardships faced by citizens, exacerbated by a severe cost-of-living crisis. Public discontent arose over proposed tax hikes, leading President William Ruto to withdraw the plans following widespread protests against perceived government extravagance.


Despite international engagements, including advocating for global financial reforms at the G7 Summit and championing African interests on climate change, President Ruto finds his administration under pressure domestically. Protests have erupted nationwide, even in Eldoret, his hometown, signalling mounting calls for a leadership change.


Analysts suggest President Ruto’s administration is now focused on survival amidst the escalating crisis. His offer of dialogue to quell protests faces uncertainty, reflecting the complexities of the current situation and the diversity of stakeholder demands.


Furthermore, the President faces the daunting task of formulating a new economic strategy amid fiscal constraints imposed by international lenders. Balancing domestic priorities with international expectations poses a significant challenge, potentially affecting Kenya’s standing as a strategic ally in global geopolitics.

Western powers, keen on countering influences from Russia and China in Africa, risk losing President Ruto’s support if domestic concerns remain unaddressed. The evolving situation underscores the delicate balance he must navigate to maintain domestic stability and international credibility.


President Ruto’s response to Kenya’s economic challenges amidst widespread protests will shape the nation’s trajectory in the coming months. His ability to engage in meaningful dialogue and propose viable economic solutions will be critical in restoring stability and addressing the aspirations of Kenyans amid a volatile political landscape.


Foreign Affairs call for dialogue and cooperation

Amidst escalating tensions and widespread demonstrations across Kenya, Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Musalia Mudavadi has underscored the government’s commitment to resolving issues through dialogue and proposed policy reforms. In a recent statement, Prime CS Mudavadi addressed the pressing concerns raised by demonstrators and highlighted key steps towards achieving peace.


He emphasised the government’s ongoing dialogue efforts aimed at addressing grievances and implementing necessary policy reforms. These initiatives are pivotal in mitigating current challenges and fostering a climate of understanding and cooperation. Furthermore, he urged the international community to support Kenya’s pursuit of peace and stability. The Prime CS called upon diplomatic representatives to advocate for the importance of nonviolent protests to their respective governments, discouraging any external interference that could exacerbate the situation.


“Kenya is a nation governed by laws, and it is imperative that we uphold our democratic processes,” he stated, emphasising that resorting to violence or chaos would only hinder progress and set back the nation’s development trajectory.


The Prime Cabinet Secretary’s statement comes at a critical juncture as Kenya grapples with escalating tensions, a rising death toll, and numerous injuries amidst ongoing demonstrations. His appeal serves as a crucial call to action towards restoring calm and addressing the underlying issues contributing to the unrest.


His leadership, as a reflection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs interests, underscores the importance of dialogue, cooperation, and respect for democratic principles in navigating these challenging times. His commitment to finding peaceful solutions reflects the government’s dedication to ensuring stability and prosperity for all Kenyans.



Gen Z has evoked powerful reactions from the government and international bodies. Diplomatic corps gather to intervene on the matter at hand as the Ministry attempts to save face. Gen Z has also been criticised and commended by various parties; however, a great many questions need answers: Was this a revolution for the people’s rights? Was it an attempt from influencers to avoid digital service tax (DST)? Was this a politically sponsored revolution? What does this mean for the State’s set agenda?