Trade and Financial Services Round-Up

  • 3 Oct 2023
  • 2 Mins Read
  • 〜 by Waceera Kabando


Sugar Production Down 31% in Seven Months on Cane Shortage


Output of sugar from local millers has dropped by nearly a third in seven months due to a shortage of cane, with the scarcity sharply pushing prices to a record high. Analysis of the latest data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows domestic production of sugar dropped to 332,034 tonnes in the seven months to July, marking a 31.2% decline from 482,871 tonnes last year.


(Business Daily)



NBC Campaign Aims at Boosting Mortgage Adoption


The National Bank of Commerce is seeking to increase access to housing loans through a new campaign that targets accelerating the availability of improved homes in the country.


(The Citizen)



Uganda Seeks Chinese Funding For EACOP

French energy giant TotalEnergies is leading a multi-billion dollar project to develop Ugandan oilfields and ship the crude oil through a 1,445-kilometre (900-mile) pipeline to a port in Tanzania. But the scheme has come under fire from human rights groups and environmental campaigners who say it will harm fragile ecosystems and the livelihoods of tens of thousands of local people.


(East African)



Rwanda Business Alliance launched in UK

The Rwanda Business Alliance was launched last week in the UK with an aim to bring the Rwandan and UK business communities closer together, according to a statement from Johnston Busingye, the Rwanda High Commissioner to the UK. The alliance’s inaugural event, which was held at the Rwandan High Commission in London, aimed at connecting investors to investment opportunities, as well as connecting buyers to suppliers of goods and services.

As per the statement, the Rwanda Business Alliance falls under the umbrella of the British African Business Alliance. The network aims to build connections between African businesses and professionals with Africa-friendly investors in the UK.

(The New Times)