25th November 2022 Parliamentary Round Up

Tuesday 22nd November;
The Senate
- The County Governments Additional Allocations (No. 2) Bill (Senate bills No. 4 of 2022) (Resumption of debate interrupted on Thursday, November 17, 2022 – Afternoon Sitting)
- Integrating Climate Education into the National Education Curriculum.
- State of food security in Kenya.
Drought and hunger mitigation in Turkana County.
i.) The Senator for Taita Taveta County (Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations regarding the county boundary cutline between Taita Taveta County and neighboring counties.
ii.) The Senator for Nandi County (Sen. Samson Cherarkey, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Roads, Transport and Housing regarding the state of disrepair of sections of Mombasa Road following the construction of the Nairobi Expressway.
iii.) The Senator for Migori County (Sen. Eddy Oketch, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations concerning the state security in Migori County particularly in Awendo Constituency and Migori town.
iv.) Nominated Senator (Sen. Tabitha Mutinda, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialisation and Tourism concerning the rise in the number of road-side hardware suppliers in residential areas in Nairobi City County.
v.) Nominated Senator (Sen. Tabitha Mutinda, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Education regarding the rise in the number of private schools operating in residential areas in Nairobi City County.
The National Assembly
- Approval of nominees to various constituency development fund committees.
- Publishing of the rules and regulations for private land use and management in regard to the minimum and maximum land holdings in Kenya.
- Consideration of sessional paper no. 1 of 2022 on the National Automotive Policy.
- Establishment of a parliamentary joint ad-hoc committee on a legislative proposal to amend the Constitution.
Wednesday, November 23;
The National Assembly
Procedural motion
- Exemption of business from the provisions of standing order 40(3).
- Publishing of the rules and regulations for private land use and management in regard to the minimum and maximum land holdings in Kenya.
- Consideration of sessional paper no. 1 of 2022 on the National Automotive Policy.
- Establishment of a Parliamentary Joint ad-hoc Committee on a legislative proposal to amend the Constitution.
The Senate
- State of food security in Kenya
- Integrating climate education into national education curriculum
- Plight of Kenyan domestic workers in the Middle East
- Drought and hunger mitigation in Turkana County
Message from Nyandarua County Assembly on the construction of Ihithe-Aberdare Forest-Kahuruko-Ndunyu Njeru Road on consultation with the National Environmental Management Authorty (NEMA), the Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA), the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
- Report of the Auditor-General on the Special Audit Report on the Public Participation in the county budget making process for the financial year 2021/2022.
- Report of the East African Legislative Assembly, Committee on Accounts on the Audited East African Community (EAC) financial statements for the financial year ended 30th June, 2020.
- Report of the East African Legislative Assembly, Committee on Legal, Rules and Privileges on the Assessment of the Status of Ratifications and Implementation of EAC Protocols and EAC Laws by the Partner States.
- Report of the East African Legislative Assembly, Committee on General Purpose of the Oversight Activity to assess the progress made by the Inter-University Council of East Africa in the Harmonization of Education Systems in EAC.
- Report of the East African Legislative Assembly, Committee on Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolutions on Assessing the measures instituted by the Partner States for the Safety and Security of Movement of People and Goods on Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika.
- The East African Community Supplementary Appropriation (No.3) Bill, 2022.
- The East African Community Surveillance, Compliance and Enforcement Commission Bill, 2022. viii.) Resolution of the East African Legislative Assembly to support the ongoing East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project (EACOP).
- The Senator for Taita Taveta County (Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations regarding the county boundary cutline between Taita Taveta County and the neighboring counties.
- The Senator for Taita Taveta County (Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources concerning acquisition of land belonging to residents of Ikanga area in Mbololo Ward of Voi Sub-County in Taita Taveta County, by the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA).
- The Senator for Meru County (Sen. Kathuri Murungi, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding the establishment and management of sports training academies in the counties.
- Nominated Senator (Sen. Crystal Asige, MP) sought a statement from the Standing Committee on Health concerning the Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023, specifically to persons with disabilities.
On Thursday, November 24, 2022
The National Assembly
- Publishing of the rules and regulations for private land use and management in regard to the minimum and maximum land holdings in Kenya.
- Establishment of a parliamentary joint ad-hoc committee on a legislative proposal to amend the Constitution to entrench certain specialised funds.
- Consideration of Sessional Paper no. 1 of 2022 on the National Automotive Policy.
- Hon Yusuf Hassan sought a statement on concern over expiry of unused data bundles and widespread internet speed throttling practice by Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
The Senate
- Plight of Kenyan domestic workers in the Middle East.
- Integrating climate education into national education curriculum.
- Drought and hunger mitigation in Turkana County.
Enhancing highway safety and convenience
i.) The Senator for West Pokot County (Sen. (Rev.) Julius Murgor, MP) to make a statement on the importance of establishing women self-help groups especially in conflict prone areas.
ii.) Nominated Senator (Sen. Hamida Kibwana, MP) to make a statement concerning the uprooting of baobab trees from Kilifi County for transplanting in the United States.
iii.) Nominated Senator (Sen. Catherine Mumma, MP) to make a statement regarding the prevalent inequity in the registration and issuance of National Identity (ID) Cards.
iv.) The Senator for Taita Taveta County (Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, MP) to seek a statement from the Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations regarding the county boundary cutline between Taita Taveta County and the neighbouring counties.
v.) The Senator for Taita Taveta County (Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, MP) to seek a statement from the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources concerning acquisition of land belonging to residents of Ikanga area in Mbololo Ward of Voi Sub-County in Taita Taveta County, by the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA).
vi.) The Senator for Mombasa County (Sen. Mohamed Faki, MP) to seek a statement from the Standing Committee Roads, Transport and Housing on the construction of Makupa Road in Kibarani, Mombasa County.
vii.) Nominated Senator (Sen. Hamida Kibwana, MP) to seek a statement from the Standing Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights regarding the access of justice by the family of the late Ms. Ebbie Noelle Samuels, a former student of St. Anuarite Gatanga Girl’s School.